Chemical biology, supramolecular systems and prebiotic chemistry
Group leader: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Zbigniew L. Pianowski
Institut für Organische Chemie, room 409
tel.: +49 721 608-42297
The manuscript "Smart photochromic materials triggered with visible light" by Anna-Lena Leistner and Z.P. has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry.
On the 11th of February 2022 after the habilitation colloquium, Zbigniew Pianowski has received his "venia legendi" from the Faculty of Chemistry and Biosciences KIT, along with the "Privatdozent" title.
Dinh Tien Nguyen, Jana Mayer and Simon Ludwig joined our group in 2022 for their bachelor theses. Welcome!
Our manuscript "Reversible photodissipation of composite photochromic azobenzene-alginate supramolecular hydrogels" just appeared in "RSC Advances" (RSC Adv., 2022, 12, 4771-4776):

The book "Molecular photoswitches. Chemistry, properties and applications" edited by Z. Pianowski, with the foreword of the Nobel laureate Ben Feringa, and two bookchapters written in our group (Peter Gödtel, Z.P. - "Emerging molecular photoswitches", and Susanne Kirchner, Anna-Lena Leistner, Z.P. "Photoswitchable peptides and proteins") will appear end-April 2022 in print with Wiley-VCH (ISBN-13: 978-3527347681). Congratulations to all the contributing authors!