Prof. Dr. Stefan Bräse
- room: 312
- phone: +49 721 608-42902
- fax: +49 721 608-48581
- stefan braese ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Organische Chemie (IOC)
Fritz-Haber-Weg 6
Campus Süd
Geb. 30.42
76131 Karlsruhe
Institut für Biologische und Chemische Systeme - Funktionelle molekulare Systeme (IBCS-FMS)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz Platz 1
Campus Nord
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
DeutschlandResearcherID: B-9057-2008
ORCID: 0000-0003-4845-3191
Curriculum Vitae
Scientific and Professional Career
January 15 2003 to present | Universitätsprofessor (C4) (Full Professor), KIT, Germany |
August 2002 | Offered a C4-Professorship to the University of Karlsruhe, Germany (Lehrstuhl I Organische Chemie, successor of H.-J. Knölker) |
July 2001 - January 2003 | Professor at the University of Bonn, Germany |
February 2001 | Offered a chair for organic chemistry at the Vrieje University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Successor of L. Wessjohann), declined |
February 2001 | Offered a C3-Professorship to the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany (Successor of H. Mayr), declined |
April 2001 | Offered a C3-Professorship to the University of Bonn, Germany (Successor of E. Steckhan) |
October 1997 - June 2001 | Habilitation (lecturer), RWTH Aachen, Germany, Prof. D. Enders |
May 1996 - September 1997 | Postdoctoral fellowship, Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, USA, Prof. K. C. Nicolaou (Total synthesis of vancomycin) |
December 1995 - February 1996 | Postdoctoral fellowship, University of Uppsala, Sweden, Prof. J.-E. Bäckvall |
November 9 1995 | Dissertation (Prof. A. de Meijere), Göttingen, Germany, summa cum laude |
April - June 1993 | Faculté des Sciences de St. Jerôme, Marseille, France, Prof. Dr. B. Waegell |
October 23 1992 | Diplomhauptprüfung, Prof. de Meijere, Göttingen, Germany |
October 1988 - October 1992 | Chemistry studies at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany and University College of North Wales, Bangor, United Kingdom |
October 2003 to September 2004 | Head of Department, Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) |
October 2004 to October 2005 | Deputy chairman, Karlsruher Chemische Gesellschaft of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker |
November 2004 to September 2007 | „Vertrauensdozent Lehramt Chemie“ at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH) |
April 2005 to September 2007 | Vice dean chemistry and dean for research, faculty of chemistry and biosciences, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) |
June 2006 to September 2007 and October 2011 to September 2013 | Member of Council for Research and Promotion of Young Scientists (CRYS), Universität Karlsruhe (TH) |
January 2007 to September 2007 | Member, Steering committee “research”, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) |
October 2007 to September 2011 | Dean, faculty of chemistry and biosciences, KIT |
October 2011 to October 2012 | Dean for research, faculty of chemistry and biosciences, KIT |
October 2007 – March 2012 | “Vertrauensdozent der DFG”, KIT |
Since January 2011 | Chairman, MBA-PhD program „Science & Management“, KIT |
April 2008-April 2016 | Elected member of the “Fachkollegium DFG Organische Molekülchemie 301-2“ |
October 2011-September 2015; June 2019 -September 2019 | Elected member of KIT Senate |
Since 2008 | Steering Committee Member “POF-II” KIT “Biointerfaces”; (Co)Topic speaker in POFIII |
Since 2009 | Director of the “KIT Combinatorial Chemistry Platform” |
Since 2011 | Co-Director of the “Soft Matter Synthesis Lab” |
Since March 2012 | Member of the Directorate of “HeiKa” |
March 2012 – March 2016 | Managing Director of “HeiKa” |
August 2012-December 2019 | Director of the “Institute of Toxicology and Genetics” |
Since January 2020 | Director at the “Institute of Biological and Chemical Systems” |
Since March 2014 | Member of the “Bereichsrats, Bereich 1 (Chemie-/Biowissenschaften und Verfahrenstechnik), KIT“ (Division council) |
Since September 2014 | Deputy chairman of „Föderverein Innovation am KIT“ |
Stipends and Awards
2019 | Aspire Award (with Nicole Jung, R. Bach) |
2019 | Visiting Professor Paris Descartes |
March 2018 | KIT Innovation prize (2nd, together with Ute Schepers) |
March 2014, 2016 | KIT Innovation prize (together with Ute Schepers) |
February 2009 | ISCB ABAWR FOR EXCELLENCE 2009 in the area of Chemical Science (International Category) |
February 2009 | Honorary Fellow Indian Scociety of Chemists and Biologists |
September - December 2002 | Margaret L. Goering and Harlan L. Goering Visiting Professor in Organic Chemistry, Madison, Wisconsin, USA |
July 2001 | Lilly Lecture Award |
September 2000 | ORCHEM prize for Naturwissenschaftler |
December 1995 | Richard-Zsigmondy prize |
October 1999 - October 2001 | DFG-Habilitations-Stipendium |
October 1997 - October 1999 | Liebig stipend of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie |
September 1996 - October 1997 | Stipend of DAAD/NATO |
December 1995 - February 1996 | Stipend of the Swedish ARC |
April - June 1993 | PROCOPE/ARNT grant (DAAD) |
July 1993 - June 1995 | Graduate stipend of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie |
Board Memberships
- Invited Member “Faculty of 1000” (since 2001)
- Co-Founder and Member of the Board of Cynora GmbH (Karlsruhe, Germany) (2002-2011)
- International Advisory Board “ESPRC” (United Kingdom) (since 2003)
- Editorial Advisory Board “Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry” (2003-2010)
- Editorial Advisory Board “ACS Combinatorial Sciences” (since 2011)
- Editorial Advisory Board “Current Chemical Biology” (since 2007)
- German representatives of the EuCheMS Division for Organic Chemistry (since 2007)
- Editorial Board “Letters in Organic Chemistry” (since 2008)
- Advisory Editorial Board “The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal” (since 2008)
- Editorial Board “Current Drug Discovery Technologies” (since 2008)
- Editorial Advisory Board “Current Bioactive Compounds” (since 2010)
- Editorial Advisory Board “Indian Journal of Chemistry, B” (since 2010)
- Co-Founder of Cyenic GbR (Karlsruhe, Germany) (since 2008)
- Editorial Advisory Board “Organic Chemistry: Current Research” (since 2011)
- Editorial Board “Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry” (since 2012), Associate Editor
- Editorial Board F1000 Research (since 2012)
- Editorial Board Interactive Medicinal Chemistry (since 2013)
- Member of the Carl-Roth prize of the GDCh (since 2013)
- Member of the Advisory Boards of the Institute of Medicine Technology, University of Heidelberg (since 2014)
- Member of the Fachbeirat Digital Hub (since 2020)
Advisory duties
- Advisory for Lundbeck (Copenhagen) (not active)
- Advisory for DSM (Kaiseraugst) (not active)
- Advisory for Cynora (Bruchsal)
- Advisory for Braskem (Pittsburgh) (not active)
- Advisory for Sensient (not active)
- Advisory for Symrise
Around 600 publications; 500 independent refered articles; H factor 65
Ca. 35 invited international conference lectures and more than 200 other lectures
Angew. Chemie (Reviews, Articles, Highlights); Chem. Eur. J.; Synlett; Org. Lett.; J. Comb. Chem.; J. Am. Chem. Soc.; J. Org. Chem.; Collec. Czech. Chem. Commun.; Organometallics; Synthesis; Chimica Oggi; Bioorg. Med. Chem.; New Journal Chem.; Chemistry & Biology; Tetrahedron; Tetrahedron Lett.; Bull. Soc. Chim. Jap.
American Chemical Society: Petroleum Funds
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (non-elected referee and since 2008 Fachkollegium 301)
Scientific Memberships
Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte (since 1987); Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (since 1992) Liebig-Vereinigung and Fachgruppe Medizinische Chemie; American Chemical Society (since 1993); European Chemical Society (since 1998); American Association of the Advancement of Science (since 1999); European Society of Combinatorial Sciences (ESCS) (since 1999); DeChema (since 2005)
Memberships in Collaborative Groups
Member SFB 380 (discontinued), SFB 624 (discontinued), GRK 804 (discontinued), CFN (KIT), SFB/TR 88 (KIT), Steering Comittee, Schwerpunktprogramm "Organokatalyse" (discontinued), Helmholtz-Program "Biointerfaces" (KIT), Steering Comittee, SFB 1176, Steering Comitee, Member Cluster 3DMM2O
IUPAC Project 2003-044-1-700 Glossary of Combinatorial Chemistry Terms (Arun Ganesan)
Overview of Research Interests
- asymmetric syntheses
- new methods for combinatorial chemistry: biologically active compounds and catalysis
- synthesis of natural products (on solid supports): THC, Secalonic Acids
- functionalized nano-structures