- Analytical Transfer Functions
- Computer Programs
- Preparative Instructions
- ...
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Self-written pulse programs for Bruker Avance systems, optimal control-derived pulse shapes, Mathematica scripts for analytical coherence transfer functions, preparatory instructions, and more ...
Feel free to download all material under the condition that all corresponding scientific work has to be cited appropriately. Also note the disclaimer:
All programs, pulses and pulse sequences have been tested and when applicable used on Bruker AVANCE spectrometers either at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Bavarian NMR Center at the TU Munich, or the Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology in Rockville, Maryland. However, material is made available without any expressed warranty. We are not liable for any potential damage that might be caused by any of the pulse programs, pulse shapes, or other materials provided.
Mathematica Source Code for Analytical Coherence Transfer Functions
Pulse Sequences for Bruker Avance Spectrometers
Pulse Shapes Optimized Using Optimal Control Theory
Pattern Pulses
Instructions for the Use of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Gels