
EXAM INFOS - 23.01.2021, 10:00, INF 306, HS2


The exam for students from University of Heidelberg will take place on Saturday, the 23.01.2021 at 10:00 in the morning. Location: Theoretikum INF 306, Hörsaal 2. The room is reserved for one hour.

5 questions, 2 points per question = 10 points max.; usual writing time: 20-30 min., but we have a 60 minute time slot for these who wish to write longer. The exam is not difficult and not "tricky". It has to prove your general understanding of the topics discussed during the lecture and contained on the slides.

Important - due to the current pandemic situation, a strict "Hygienekonzept" applies to all participants. Please, adhere strictly to these rules, to assure safety of every participant. If you have fiever, coughing or any symptoms of the infection, please stay home. These persons will be able to write the exam during a summer semester session. Please, do not bring food. If you have to bring water/something to drink, it must be handled safety without endangering health of the others.

What to bring: pens, Student ID with photo, prepare your Matrikelnummer - you will have to write it down on every page, together with your name

What will be available onsite/ from me (not to bring): One paper sheet with the exam questions, additional paper sheets for writing answers, if the exam sheet occurs insufficient; we need no calculators, nor any sofisticated devices - the content of your mind is sufficient.

Exact location of the exam room, as well as detailed description of the COVID-safety rules can be found under "Exam Jan.2021 Info", just below the downloadable slides on this page.

If you for any reason (COVID-related or unrelated) do not want to participate in the exam at the indicated date, or if you have any further questions, please contact me individually (pianowski@kit.edu) to find a satisfactory solution.

Students from KIT Karlsruhe interested in a written exam, please contact me individually. Otherwise, these with personal presence on at least 4 out of 7 lecture units automatically receive "bestanden" in ILIAS system. If this is not successful for you for any reason, contact me.


Notes: Tuesdays and Thursdays 15:30-17:00, lecture online

First lecture: 5. Nov. 2020, 7 lecture units, the lecture slides will be available for download shortly before the respective lecture.


To join the lecture as a Zoom meeting, please click on the link below:


Meeting ID: 831 3494 0488


This interdisciplinary course on the interface of organic chemistry, chemical, molecular and synthetic biology aims to provide the current status of research on the following topics:

Artificial genetic polymers and oligonucleotide analogues; unnatural base pairing – expansion of the genetic alphabet;

artificial ribozymes for efficient catalysis and recognition (SELEX, DNAzymes, foldamers);

biosynthetic incorporation of unnatural aminoacids (UAAs) into proteins;

protein engineering – production of enzymes with unknown or unnatural properties, ab initio protein design, directed evolution, theozymes;

Artificial lipid vescicles as models for protocell multiplication;

This lecture will be continued in SoSe2021 as a course "The molecular origins of life", focused on processes which could allow abiotic generation of biomolecules (aminoacids, lipids, nucleotides, sugars) on the early Earth for the following origin of life.